Kids on Earth features hundreds of children and teenagers telling stories about their own lives. Recorded on location in several dozen locations around the world, this growing video library includes about 1,000 segments.
Young people love to tell other kids about their lives, but there’s much more happening here. They talk about their present situation, what they know, what they want to learn, their plans for the future. They are explaining how they intend to transform human life in the 21st century, often with great clarity. The complete library of video interviews is here: www.vimeo.com/kidsonearth.
We are always interested in interviewing more children and teenagers. We are also interested in interviewing teachers. All over the world.
To learn more about working together, and about the new book, please visit: www.kidsonearth.org.

Kids on Earth provided both the impetus and the raw material for a new book about learning that will be published by Harvard Education Press in the second half of 2025. To learn more about the book, visit www.kidsonearthorg.